Does Insurance Cover Leak & Moisture Damage?

Are you aware that your home insurance may cover any claims for moisture & leak damage if detected early in your home?

The following info is the exact reason why you should get an annual infrared moisture inspection in your home. Many home owners aren’t even aware of what the fine print in their home insurance policy actually stipulates in relation to damage by moisture & leaks. You could be in for a pleasant suprise…

The following is a word-for-word extract of policy wording from one of the larger NZ insurance companies in relation to leaks in your home:


” Gradual Damage: We pay for gradual damage or mildrew or mould or rot caused by water which accidentally leaks or overflows or is discharged from any of these installed at the situation:

What is covered:

1) internal water pipe or internal waste disposal pipe

2) bath, shower, basin, sink, toilet, cistern, bidet, internal water tank;

provided that action is taken to minimise the loss, and prevent any further loss, as soon as any leakage or overflow or discharge or any resulting gradual damage or mildew or mould or rot is apparent.

What is not covered:

We do not pay for gradual damage or mildew or mould or rot:

1) to any water tank, cistern, swimming pool or spa pool; or

2) which could have reasonably been discovered at the time you purchased the house.

What we pay:

We pay the reasonable cost to replace or repair any of these:

1) the part of the house directly affected;

2) any other part of the house which is not directly affected but which must be removed or damaged or destroyed to locate the cause, provided that we have first given our approval.

The most that we pay in total for all costs connected with any loss (or any series of losses which originate from one event) is $5000 (including GST)


The key phrase above is “provided action is taken to minimise the loss

Insurance claims for leaks: If you suspect a leak in any area of your home, get onto it early and you could be covered. We can provide you with a written report of any potential moisture defects found in your home, including photos of moisture readings.

Call for a home moisture check up quote today!