Air Gaps & Leaks Around Doors, Windows and Insulation Can Skyrocket Your Energy Bills. See Photo

How to find an ‘air leak’ in your home: (see photo)

Finding where air is penetrating into your home can drive you around in circles, and sometimes you won’t actually see where it’s coming from (eg. through gaps in insulation blowing cool air onto the back of your wall). The process to find and air leak can be made simple, but it’s usually the time when you think you’ve detected where the air leak is penetrating, another one pops up. Lets take the following photo as an example…

(Thanks to for this pic… it’s taken with the same camera as we use)

Usually you’d feel the air draft coming through the bottom of the door, because your feet and legs would catch the breeze… but what about the one at the top of the door? Unless you’re rather tall you wouldn’t feel the air leak up there. In most cases you would replace the seal right around the door anyway… but you need to know where the air leak is in the first place! We can detect air leaks around doors, windows and missing insulation through the eyes of our highly sensitive thermal imaging camera.

Don’t let your energy bill keep climbing!

Contact Us today for a complete thermal imaging inspections of your home!