Find a Leak in Ceiling

The fastest way to find a leak in your ceiling could be using thermal imaging… in just minutes, we can see exactly where excess water in your ceiling could be accumulating from the interior of your home. We can also detect missing insulation. 

This leak in this photo has originated from the ceiling and worked its way down around the interior wall….

Would you have seen this leak in the ceiling and the extent of the leak? Our company specialises in water leak detection within building envelopes. We would have seen this leak coming down from the ceiling within minutes with our new thermal imaging technology, thus saving you time and money.

Contact us today for a free quote!

How to Find a Leak in Wall

One of the fastest ways to find a leak in a wall is by thermal imaging… it can take less than 1 minute and it’s non-invasive. There is no longer a need to pull your walls down to detect a leak thanks to our new technology… nor do you need to guess where the leak starts and finishes!

Take a look at this photo below, and you’ll see what a leak behind a wall looks like through the eyes of a thermal imaging camera.
This leak has originated from the ceiling and worked its way down around the interior wall….

Our company specialises in leak detection on interior walls. Leaving a leak behind a wall go undetected could cost you $$$ long-term due to potential structural failures in the area from rot.  We can detect these types of leaks within minutes using thermal imaging technology.

Contact us today for a free quote!

Which Wall Cladding in NZ is Most Likely to Leak if Not Installed Correctly?

If your home is leaking, or you think there could be moisture ingress behind the walls, it can also be caused from a small penetration on the exterior wall or the roof. You can view a very interesting picture, and also read about the quickest way to detect moisture ingress in your walls, ceiling and floor here. has an excellent website that covers all different aspects of leaking homes, and more detail about the claddings used on NZ homes. Find their website here.

Air Gaps & Leaks Around Doors, Windows and Insulation Can Skyrocket Your Energy Bills. See Photo

How to find an ‘air leak’ in your home: (see photo)

Finding where air is penetrating into your home can drive you around in circles, and sometimes you won’t actually see where it’s coming from (eg. through gaps in insulation blowing cool air onto the back of your wall). The process to find and air leak can be made simple, but it’s usually the time when you think you’ve detected where the air leak is penetrating, another one pops up. Lets take the following photo as an example…

(Thanks to for this pic… it’s taken with the same camera as we use)

Usually you’d feel the air draft coming through the bottom of the door, because your feet and legs would catch the breeze… but what about the one at the top of the door? Unless you’re rather tall you wouldn’t feel the air leak up there. In most cases you would replace the seal right around the door anyway… but you need to know where the air leak is in the first place! We can detect air leaks around doors, windows and missing insulation through the eyes of our highly sensitive thermal imaging camera.

Don’t let your energy bill keep climbing!

Contact Us today for a complete thermal imaging inspections of your home!

Finding a Water Leak and Tracking it to the Source

How to find a leak before calling a plumber!

Trying to find a leak around the home can be very frustrating and can get very expensive… especially if the leak is behind a wall, or a roof leak. A plumber can usually fix water leaks very quickly, but it’s the actual process to find the water leak that can really cost you big dollars!

When your paying a plumber, roofer or builder to find a leak, they may need to pull down multiple walls to ‘get a better idea’ of where the problem is, and to you, that could mean additional money going out of your pocket to replace the gib board/cladding, plus the painting and plaster work etc to get it all back up to scratch. So what if your plumber/builder is trying to find a leak, and ends up pulling down a wall in an area that has nothing to do with the leak source? It’s easy for someone to pull down a wall, or stick a screwdriver through to ‘test’ if an area has excess moisture, but i’m saying this kind of process to find a leak simply isn’t required. There’s a much faster and non-destructive way to go about it.

leak in ceiling

How to find a water leak in a non-invasive way: 

Leak detection by way of thermal imaging is the key to a fast, neat and tidy leak fix. Why? for starters, we can detect potential leaks penetrating your inside walls within minutes… with both our IR camera and our back up test with a moisture meter. Secondly, we can usually see where the leak is coming from, and where the leak damage ends. After viewing the infrared photos we take, your plumber or builder can go directly to the problem, and not have to tear down your walls in places that aren’t required… saving you money.

Quickest way to find a leak…

Detecting water leaks fast… that’s what we do. We are trained thermographers who specialise in leak & moisture detection using a high tech thermal imaging camera, and pinpointing potential problem areas in your home or office.

Need to find a leak fast? Contact us today!

Photo of Laundry Leak Detected by Thermal Imaging Camera

Here is what a leak looks like on the exterior of a building using thermal imaging. We can detect leaks through your wall from both the interior and exterior!

(Image thanks to

laundry leak

It’s amazing how many laundries seem to leak. Any wet area needs to be check on a regular basis, because it only takes a very small leak to gradually drip away behind a wall (loose tap fittings) and then the ‘cancer like’ damage begins.

If you’ve ever had flood or overflow in the bathroom or laundry, you should also get a thermal imaging check up, regardless if you think it all went down the drain. The reason for this is because at some stage the water would have touched the edge of the wall, and if you have the slighest of gaps or a small hole (i.e Size of a nail hole), then water would have gotten in no problem at all. 

Don’t leave your home to chance!

Contact us today for a complete thermal scan on the wet areas in your home today!